Tools & Resources

In the Affiliate / Performance marketing space, there seems to be a new tool hitting the market everyday.

The tools & resources provided in in this post are tools I actually use.

Yes, many of these links are my affiliate links, however these are tools I am proud to put my name behind.

Not only that but you'll find all of these tools featured in guides & videos found on this site.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase or signup.

Tracking Software


A tracker is the foundation of every successful affiliate marketer because it allows us to capture data about our visitors.

We can then take advantage of that data to find trends of which audience best converts.

Simply put, it allows us to collect more data about our visitors which allow us to make optimizations to maximize our profits.

The best part is the majority of companies only use Google Analytics to track and other less than idea tracking platforms to optimize their campaigns...

This is great news for us, as we can optimize our campaigns much more efficiently, with the use of a click tracker.


The click tracking platform I recommend most, is RevMax.

It may not be the most stylish front-end tracker out there.

But I've been using it for technically 6 years now and it has been the foundation for every campaign I've ran since.

RevMax is second tracking tool built, his first being iMobitrax and he is one of the best developers in the business.

I have done a TON of traffic volume with RevMax and I have several friends that have as well.

What is unique about RevMax is that YOU own the data, because it's hosted on your own server.

This means it won't be shared with your competitors or sold in the future.

I may have some trust issues but using a tracker built by the same company you're buying the traffic from is just idiotic.

There is a reason your traffic reps "know" what is doing well vs. what's not.

Want The Same Tracker I Use?: Get Your Copy of RevMax




Web hosting will be the backbone of your entire internet business, no matter which business you're trying to run.

If you plan to make a business online, then you NEED web hosting.

Most people when first starting out go to one of the "newb" web hosting companies, because they advertise $1 per year hosting, etc.

The reality is almost all of these webhosting providers are TERRIBLE.

As soon as you start getting any sort of traffic... IE growing your business, you'll begin to run into trouble.

I've had my fair share of dealing with shitty hosting companies.

Many of you are using GoDaddy, Host Gator & other complete garbage shared hosting companies.

Yes the hosting is cheap, but everything comes at a price...

In this case it comes with slow speeds, utterly useless support & hours of frustration.

I personally no longer deal with shared hosting and use a VPS or Cloud Hosting.

The hosting company I use for the large majority of my businesses, is Namehero.

Now for full disclaimer I personally know the owner of this hosting company...

However I trust my sites with Namehero not because of simply knowing the owner, but because I know how knowledgeable the entire team is at Namehero.


I run everything from my tracking tools to most of my websites sites on their VPS servers and haven’t had any headache.

If you’re looking for a reliable host, with the support that actually understands hosting I would HIGHLY suggest you use NameHero rather than these “$1 hosts”.

If you are on a budget and just getting started, I suggest started with either their normal web hosting package or reseller package as they are low cost but still reliable.

Once you start to generate serious volume then you can swap over to their VPS server.

Spy Tools


It’s still amazing to me how many performance marketers still don’t use spy tools.

Seriously if you take nothing else from this page it’s get a spy tool.

A good spy tool will save you countless amounts of money and time by allowing you to see what the entire industry is currently doing.

Got a specific country and carrier combo that you would like to see people running?

No problem, just fire up your spy tool and instantly see what is currently happening in the market.

Over the years there have been several spy tools come out on the market, but currently, I only recommend one.


Why do I suggest Adplexity above all else?

Quite simply it allows you to break down landing pages and offers by: Geo, Carrier, Tracker, Affiliate Network and how long it’s been running.

With just these filters alone you can be brand new to a particular Geo and with the help of Adpleixty be up and running within minutes.

It gets even better, if you find a landing page that you like or think is converting well, Adplexity will even allow you to download all the source code and files allowing you to easily clone someone else funnel!

Email Marketing

Mail Man Delivering A Package

One of the biggest mistakes I see marketers make, no matter which niche... is not having an email list.

If you've been a reader of this blog long enough, you'll understand why email is so important.


Here is the highlights:

  • The ability to build a relationship with your audience.
  • Allows you to create a snow ball effect with your web properties. Instead of a visitor seeing your site once, they will visit your content again and again.
  • Unless you're doing something completely scammy or spammy it's an asset that will grow overtime and won't be banned with a single TOS change.
  • Not convinced? How does 4400% ROI and $44 for every $1 spent sound? source

Honestly, not starting an email list sooner in my career was the biggest mistake I've made. Don't make this same mistake.

Even after I gained the smart idea of creating an email list, I went through the "big mailers" to start: Aweber, Mailchimp and even Confusionsoft.

That was until I found ConvertKit...

ConvertKit has a scaling pricing model which allows you to grow your list without spending a ton of money. Not only that, but unlike other mailers, ConvertKit only counts a subscriber once no matter how many lists of yours they are on. Other mailers will count the same subscriber for each list their on... which adds up price wise.

It Gets Better

Not only is ConvertKit easy to use, but it's EXTREMELY powerful!

ConvertKit Guide: Read My ConvertKit Guide Here

Funnel Software

Unlike web hosting and a mailing list, I would consider this tool a nice to have.

However, it will save you time and money not to mention allow you to do some incredibly powerful things with your website.

ConvertFlow is a landing page & lead capture creation tool.

Now landing page & lead capture tools are a dime a dozen, but I can honestly say it's by far the best I've used thus far.

ConvertFlows power comes with the ability to tag people based on actions on your site.

For example if a visitor has already subscribed to lead magnet A, you can set it up to then show the next product in your funnel over your entire site.

Both ConvertFlow and ConvertKit are compatible with each other as well, which both tools are used on all of my sites (including this one.)

So not only can you collect someone's email, but you can collect key demographics and user data from them as they consume your content.

Guide coming soon



When first starting in any new venture, affiliate marketing included!

It's best to become part of a community of like minded individuals trying to achieve the same goal.

One of the best ways to do that is to join a private forum, a place where you can share your journey and get answers to your questions.

While I've been part of many masterminds, the one I spend the most time contributing too, is currently affLift.

afflift logo

If you do decide to be an affLift member, my username in the forum is Morticai.

Feel free to tag me in any questions you may have and I'll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.

Become A Mastermind Member Click To Join affLift Today!